The Priestess Path of Avalon ~ Foundations Year 2024/2025


“A Priestess of Avalon is a vessel of Eternity...a servant of the Goddess, of Truth, of Beauty, of Wisdom, and a conduit of Love. She is a woman awake in her femininity and the power of the Goddess in her body temple. She is a spiritual activist doing the work of the Divine in the world. A seeker, a mystic, a poetess, a dancer, a lover, a warrior, a mother, a sorceress, a crone, the Priestess allows all of the ways of the Lady to live in her. She is a revolutionary force of kindness and compassion and strength and fortitude. Dancing with the elements, she practices self-love as a devotion to the Goddess. She listens. She responds. She is still and moving at the same time. From her connection to Source, she is a beacon of spirit and soul, radiating blessings around her and enlivening any being who comes into contact with her.

Everyone is the artist of their lives, and the Priestess is trained to become a devotional artist of service and healing. She is rooted in her internal relationship with spirit and from there she can do inspired work in the world. A priestess can be a healer, a stay- at-home mother, a teacher, a CEO, a hermit; the particular expression of her service is as unique as each woman on the Path. When a woman reclaims this archetype, she enters into seriously playful intimacy with the powers that create our lives. She frees herself from the domesticated mind and roams purposefully in the wilds of her heart, letting her authentic nature guide her.

One of the names of the Goddess is, “She Who Hears the Cries of the World.”

The Priestess does; she hears it, she feels it in her body, indelibly etched in her cells. It is the longing to merge fully with everything, and respond to the need for support. The Priestess has an inborn sense of responsibility - literally the “ability to respond,“ - which motivates her to a life of service. She cultivates her life as a practical mystic, being a leader by her radical choice to fully inhabit her feminine nature. The Priestess is a pillar of support and a chalice of guidance as humanity writes this next chapter of the Great Story.”

~ Holly Raphaella Morgana ~

~ The SONG of the DRAGON ~

Begins May 23, 2024

The Foundations Year of the PRIESTESS PATH of AVALON with Awakening Avalon Temple is a fertile journey of rediscovering the ancient magic that lives in you and as you. It is a year of practices that set strong foundations for a life-long devotion to the holy ways of Avalon.

This Foundations Year weaves two of the required courses ( The Celtic Earth Wisdom Course and The Ladies of the Lake) for the full Priestess Path of Avalon training and completes with a self-dedication as Daughter/Son of Avalon.

The Celtic Earth Wisdom Course

You will receive:

Monthly Talk ~ 45-minute recorded transmission on the specific energetics of Earth Wisdom for the month, an herbal recipe, practices in nature, journal topics and the monthly Celtic Tree. (3 per season)

• 15-minute recorded introduction to the specific zodiac moon signs of the month

• Introduction to Moon Magick Mini Course (15-minute recording, supportive handout on the phases, and a guided meditation for the dark moon)

Meditations ~

• Elemental Journey (1 each season)

• High Holy Day Guided Meditations (2 per season)

Guidebooks ~

• Introduction to the Wheel of the Year

• Elemental: Air, Fire, Water or Earth (1 each season)

• High Holy Days of the Season (2 per season)

Practices ~ Sacred Crafts, Guidelines for Setting up Seasonal Altars, Intention Nature Walks, Breathing and Movement Exercises, Seasonal Herbal Recipes, Application and Integration through Service Projects Practices.

You will journey through the sacred Solar Spiral, developing and deepening your connection to the Wheel of the Year, the High Holy Days and the Elemental Realms through our signature Foundations of Magick ~ The Celtic Earth Wisdom Course. This course anchors you in powerful alignment with the Laws of Nature, and is the core way we develop and mature as Priestesses – by becoming not just intimate with the forces that create reality, but truly, remembering ourselves as these Elemental Realms ourselves. In order to fully embody our destiny as a Priestess of Avalon, we must consistently refine our connections to the elemental realms. It is this that both heals and allows our soul genius to blossom.

When we are re-matrixed to the Earth and her sacred dance with the Sun, we can open the codes of the Original Covenant in our memory and blood. The Dragon tides of Sun and Earth course through our bodies and as we serve them through ceremony year after year, we literally rewire our beings to the Shining Realm of Sovereignty.

The Celtic Earth Wisdom Course is a foundations in magick journey.

It has 4 seasonal modules of multi-dimensional teachings. Each month/season you receive an assortment of recordings and guidebooks.

Avalon is a stronghold of High Magic of the Heart. In the Avalon Mystery Tradition, we find access to the ancient code of Life, the Original Covenant. The blood that moves through this Avalon Heart is known to us through the archetype of The Lady of the Lake. The Lady of the Lake is the primordial power of the Void as she moves through all Living Waters. This primordial power facets into and is carried by many goddesses we find throughout the Celtic/Druid pantheon. This course introduces you to 12 faces of the Goddess of Avalon.

These 12 Ladies of the Lake, together with Morgana, form the guiding Council for Awakening Avalon Temple. These Ladies are emissaries, revolutionaries, embodiments of Truth, Sovereignty and Ecstasy. They guide you to align with the divine grace of the Turning of the Ages we are in. They are fierce and compassionate teachers of integrity, wholeness and joy. Each month, you will receive a recorded class on one of the Twelve. In these teaching transmissions, Holly Raphaella shares stories, myths and associations, and guides you on a journey with that Lady to awaken her specific code in your cells. These forces of the Divine Feminine have so much to speak, they are actively working to heal, bless and bring in the Golden Dawn.

The Ladies of the Lake

You will journey with:

Blodeuwedd ~ The Flower Priestess

Dindraine ~ The Grail Heroine

Nimue ~ The Enchantress

Branwen ~ White Raven of Avalon

Guinevere ~ High Queen of the Heart

Rhiannon ~ Queen of the Fae

Arianrhod ~ Lady of Heaven

Elen ~ Keeper of the SongLines

Cerridwen ~ Womb of Alchemy

Kundrie ~ High Messenger of the Grail

Morgause ~ The Kingmaker

Argante ~ Hidden Well of Avalon

You will also receive a Guided Completion Journey as well as 3 Bonus Calls (from when HRM taught the course live.)

In addition to the curriculum of the Celtic Earth Wisdom Course and the Ladies of the Lake, you will also experience monthly live Circles and Ceremonies.

Circle and Ceremony

Dragon Council Gathering ~ Live monthly circle with Holly Raphaella. Holly will share emergent Avalonian and Temple currents and this is also a time for students to ask questions, reflect, receive mentoring/guidance from HRM.

4 Solar Cross DragonFire Temple Ceremonies ~ You will be invited to learn and participate in a particular geomantic Temple practice. The Awakening Avalon Temple is a Dragon Lineage, and is specifically anchored to the Cross Quarter Days. On these Holy Days we tend the DragonFire of the planet by creating and weaving Earth and StarFire Ceremony.

4 Seasonal Creative Embodiment Circles ~ Live with Erin Guinevere, near the Solstices and Equinoxes, EG facilitates a playful and deep circle of movement and creative expression that supports integration of each Element (air, fire, water, and earth). This is a time to connect with Erin, Holly and your community in shared, emergent, artistic sacred space.

On-Line Community Group ~ Private social media group hosted on Awakening Avalon’s Mighty Network platform for cultivating connections and sharing amongst enrolled students. This is a peer-focused, informal, and lightly moderated space. There is no official mentoring or teaching in this circle.

Registration Details


$2,222 Pay in Full

$222/month/12 months

  • Deposit $222 due at registration, 11 payments via auto-debit.

Custom Payment plans and International Bank Transfers also available. Please enquire.

REGISTRATION for the 2024/2025 Year is closed. Please sign up for the newsletter below to be updated on future offerings of Song of the Dragon and other Alliance Avalonia experiences.

Blessed BE!

We look forward journeying with you into the vast Mysteries of Avalon

and the Original Covenant!

All Avalon Love, Always,

Holly Raphaella Morgana


Erin Guinevere Morgana