School • Temple • Foundation


~ Eat the Apple, Remember Who You Are ~

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Caed Mille Failte!

One thousand welcomes to you… Welcome to the hearth of Awakening Avalon, welcome to this sanctuary and school of the Mysteries, this portal through which the eternal love of Source emanates. 

The cauldron is brewing on the hearth, so come, sit and warm your soul, open yourself to receive and learn, to renew and remember.  The cauldron is the ancient Celtic symbol of the Source, the Faerie Grail, the Cup of Love - the

container of bubbling cosmic brew out of which life flows forth. One drop of its contents confers enlightenment and healing. This ancient elixir is flowing in all of us, in our bones and blood, in our thoughts and feelings. It is there behind the breath if we pause and allow it to enliven our beings.

If you have arrived here in this circle of firelight, you have been called and you have been following your deepest truth.  Welcome. Welcome home to yourself, to the Path that has no beginning and no end.